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Isabel Miranda's review...
I joined LeadsLeap in 2015 and I am really surprised for all the features of this site, it is easy to receive leads from their traffic, but most importantly is they provide free tools that are better than the paid ones in other sites, my favorite is the The Real Tracker.

One thing that I really like is that Kenneth, the owner, really cares about his members and very open to receive suggestions, two times he has implemented small recommendations that I provided!

My favorite part is that the site is constantly evolving with new features, it is exciting to know what is next!

My ROI is positive in LeadsLeap. That is the reason that I am a Pro Member.

Update- As of April 2024 I have 52 direct referrals in LeadsLeap plus 443 in my spillover


Categorized under:
List Building
Stephanie 's review...
Updated for April 2024

My experience with the program so far

My experience with List Infinity has been a very positive experience so far.

It is a viral list building program that gives you the tools & training to help you build your list fast.

All memberships allow you to earn 100% commissions (more details below).

So, not only will you be building a viral list, but you'll also be building a list of buyers and action takers.

Once I saw the value of the List Infinity System I upgraded my account within a few days, and have now been paid $1300+ in commissions, and added 160+ subscribers to my list.

You get access to the viral list building system and ability to earn 100% instant commissions. The memberships include:

  • Basic Level - $7 one time
  • Starter Level - $25 one time
  • Pro Level - $100 one time
  • Elite Level - $300 one time

Quick outline of what you get as a Pro Member

Basic and Starter member features plus:

  • 30 days email follow up series
  • 15 lead capture pages
  • Additional training
  • Earn $7 - $100 commissions on all upgrades.
  • Can earn on 7 additional income streams
  • You can also add your own recommended business opportunities for additional income

Also, there is now a Viral Traffic Builder which allows you to build your downlines and credits in some of the top mailers.

What I Like

  • Low cost to start
  • Viral list building feature helps you build your list, and MANY more benefits
  • I made a 100% ROI within just a few days & I'm able to build my list fast with the efforts of my referrals
  • High converting landing pages & DFY Follow up series
  • Paid via Paypal and/or Stripe & more
  • No monthly fees
  • Promotional tools & resources in the back office

What I Dislike

So far, nothing I dislike.

Final Verdict

I believe that List Infinity is a great program for anyone wanting to build their list and paid instantly while doing so.

It can work for both newbie marketers who want to earn while building their list & seasoned marketers looking for another income stream to add to their portfolio.

It's easy to get started today with the low cost of $7 one time, but if you don't want to miss out on multiple income streams, then you can choose from any of the higher upgrade options.

I hope you found my review helpful :)


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Joe Leech's review...
My Experience.

My experience has been fantastic and well beyond any expectations. I'm a senior (85), and I've been involved in internet marketing for over 8 years. My only regret is not learning about this program sooner (I discovered it just a few months ago!). Had I known earlier, it would have saved me a lot of time and money. I've spent money and time on domain names, hosting, autoresponders, learning WordPress, and buying themes. That's all good to know, but having this tool earlier would have been great.

I Like

I like just about every aspect of this program. I'm still learning to use and tweak some of the tools, such as the PDF rebrander. One thing I particularly like is the reviews, as I look to expand my business inventory. Here, I can find honest assessments from users rather than reading sales hype from vendors. Another thing I appreciate is the exceptional range of tools. The cost, even with upgrades, is affordable, even for a person with a very limited budget.

What I Dislike

The learning curve is steep, and about the only way to learn on-site is to read and then print the tutorials. I use this program in conjunction with Click Engine, another one of my favorites, and Click Engine has some better tutorials which I recommend in another review.

Final Verdict

My final verdict is that I highly recommend this program for virtually any online marketer, if only to have a consolidated source of tools and a very versatile lead program. It's not entirely a full autopilot program because, to maximize the lead program, one needs to spend about 15-20 minutes a day clicking on leads to earn credits for your own form to go out. Otherwise, it's at the top of my online "stable".


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Bobbi Jo Nichols's review...
I'm excited to share my experience with LeadsLeap, and let me tell you, it's been a GREAT addition to my online business.

One of the features I really like is the Traffic. So many users are seeing my business content and that's what I needed.

The targeted traffic is there, in front of real people interested in what I have to offer.

What I Like

I'm not a techy person, but the interface allows me to go through the program easily. I like the way it gives instructions on each page where I need it most.

It has the instructions right there in each area so there is no need for me to spend hours trying to figure it all out. I can jump in and get started boosting my leads right away. LeadsLeap is like having my own Teacher here with me. Very real feedback from real users.

It's gives trust and credibility to my Brand right out the gate. It is truly a step up from some platforms, it has the community right here for you. It's not just another platform. It's a hub for marketers and entrepreneurs to come together. Similar to a support family to keep you moving onward.

What I Dislike

It's a good idea to follow up with your referral's, the double-optin format keeps your referral contact information.

I like to know my referral and their contact information. I want to make sure they know, like, and trust me. You definitely want to create a page for LeadsLeap if you want to follow up with referrals.

Final Verdict

LeadsLeap is a great tool to get your business out front and on top, a terrific resource to move your business upwards.

Whether you're a seasoned marketer or just starting out, this platform has something for all types of niches and programs.

Get ready, this is a boost in leads. This is a community that's going to give back.

Trust me, I wouldn't steer you wrong!

To Our Success,
Bobbi Jo Nichols, MCEC
SoloPreneur @ Worldprofit


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Affiliate Marketing
Herbert Flores's review...
My experience with the Ultimate Affiliate A. I so far is nothing short of exceptional. I recently had the opportunity to try out The Ultimate Affiliate A. I, formerly known as Super Affiliate A. I, and I must say, it exceeded my expectations. As an aspiring affiliate marketer, I was looking for a tool that could help me streamline my efforts and maximize my earnings, and this software delivered on both fronts. I have created several campaigns for different offers and they are all getting great results. I love how easy and fast it is to use this software.

If you are looking for a way to make money online with affiliate marketing, you might have heard of Ultimate Affiliate AI by Andrew and Chris Fox. This is a new and improve software that claims to use the power of artificial intelligence to help you create profitable campaigns for any affiliate offer in minutes.

But is it really worth it? Can it really turn you into a super affiliate quickly and easily? Or is it just another hyped-up product that doesn't deliver?

In this review, I will give you my honest opinion about Ultimate Affiliate A. I and show you what it can and cannot do for you. I will also reveal some of the pros and cons of using this software, and whether I recommend it or not.

So let's get started!

What is Ultimate Affiliate A. I?

Ultimate Affiliate A. I is a cloud-based software that uses artificial intelligence to generate high-converting campaigns for any affiliate offer from Clickbank, JVZoo, Warrior Plus and others.

It works by analyzing the offer page and creating a unique headline, subheadline, bullet points, call to action, and bonus page for you. It also generates Facebook ads, landing page copy, email follow-up series, and YouTube scripts for your campaign.

All you have to do is choose your offer from the software's dashboard, and click a button. The software will do the rest for you in seconds.

You can then edit or tweak any part of your campaign as you wish, or regenerate it with one click if you are not satisfied. You can also save your campaigns and access them anytime.

The software is designed to make affiliate marketing easy and fast for anyone, regardless of their experience or skill level. It eliminates the need for hiring expensive copywriters or spending hours on research and writing.

With Ultimate Affiliate A. I, you can create multiple campaigns in minutes and start making money online as a super affiliate.

What are the benefits of using Ultimate Affiliate A. I?

There are many benefits of using Ultimate Affiliate A. I , such as:

• It saves you time and money. You don't have to waste hours on finding offers, researching keywords, writing copy, designing landing pages, creating ads, etc. You also don't have to spend money on hiring copywriters or buying other tools. With Super Affiliate A. I. , you can create everything you need in minutes with a few clicks.

• It gives you an edge over your competitors. You can create unique and engaging campaigns that stand out from the crowd and attract more clicks, leads, and sales. You can also test different variations of your campaigns and optimize them for better results.

• It helps you scale up your business. You can create unlimited campaigns for unlimited offers with Ultimate Affiliate A. I You can also use it for any niche or market you want. You can diversify your income streams and grow your online business faster.

• It is easy to use and beginner-friendly. You don't need any technical skills or prior experience to use Ultimate Affiliate A. I The software is very intuitive and user-friendly. It guides you through every step of the process and provides you with helpful tips and examples along the way.

Is Ultimate Affiliate A. I worth it?

Ultimate Affiliate A. I is a powerful and innovative software that can help you create profitable campaigns for any affiliate offer in minutes.

It can save you time and money, give you an edge over your competitors, help you scale up your business, and make affiliate marketing easy and fast for anyone.

However, it is not a magic bullet that can make you money online without any effort or investment. You still have to do some work to choose the right offers, drive traffic to your campaigns, track your results, etc.

You also have to be aware that the software may not work for every offer or niche, and that it may require some trial and error to find the best campaigns for your business.

Here are the price of Ultimate Affiliate A. I.

FRONT END: Ultimate Affiliate AI Starter Level - Build 20 Campaigns per month (Basic entry level) is $29 One-Time payment

Ultimate Affiliate A. I Business Level - Build 100 Campaigns per month (Business User) is $39 One-Time payment

Upsell #1 - Ultimate Affiliate AI ‘Done For You Agency' $197 One off payment

Upsell #2 - Ultimate Affiliate A. I ‘Done For You Agency' - Lite Edition $97 One off payment

Upsell #3 - Ultimate Affiliate AI ‘Prompt Bible' Videos - $47 one off payment

Upsell #4 - Ultimate Affiliate AI - Campaign of the Month - $4.95 for 30 days - then $49/month

Enjoy some exclusive bonuses, just email the support to access your bonuses!

Bonus 1 - AI Profit Blueprints Full Online Course: (Value $197)

Bonus 2 - AI For Profitable Social Media Content Creation (Value $197)

Bonus 3 - A. I For Sales Creation For Internet Marketers (Value $297)

Bonus 4 - AI For Product Creation For Internet Marketers Learning System (Value $297)

What I Like

What I like about Ultimate Affiliate A. I is that it gives me an edge over my competitors. I can create unique and engaging campaigns that stand out from the crowd and attract more clicks, leads, and sales.

What I Dislike

Nothing to dislike so far.

Final Verdict

Ultimate Affiliate A. I is a game-changer for affiliate marketers. Its powerful AI capabilities, user-friendly interface, extensive product database, and excellent customer support make it an invaluable tool for anyone looking to boost their affiliate marketing efforts. I highly recommend giving it a try.


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KASH EMPIRE's review...
I've been a member of The Downliner for about a month now and I would have to say that I am highly impressed. I've been involved with a few other traffic coops however The Downliner is a complete game changer.

So far I like to use the text ads, and with that I have consistently gotten over 50% click thru rate with over 5000-9000 views in a 24 hour time frame. Which has also resulted in a few sign-ups to my main businesses! Very impressive!

Ok, so what exactly is The Downliner other than AMAZING?

The Downliner is a traffic exchange coop that ultimately generates traffic to your websites. It is one of the latest breakthroughs in coop advertising and serves as an efficient and effective way of promoting while generating passive income for all members. It allows anyone to just add their website link with stats then receive traffic from many different sources including PTCs, Safelists, Traffic Exchanges, Classified Ads, CPC traffic as well as social media.

You can register as a free or paid member and can start using the platform immediately. You use points to purchase traffic/views to your websites and can earn points by either purchasing them, or promoting your own coop link.

When promoting your coop link you earn 1:1 which is 1 point per unique view.

As free member, you can earn 10% monthly recurring commissions per referral and if you are a paid member you can earn 30% monthly recurring commissions, when your referral upgrades. Free members can advertise 3 websites and paid members can advertise 10 websites in the campaign.

What makes this what makes this system utterly unique is that you can advertise your sites using banners, text ads (my favorite), and because we can post our sites too in Social Media. The social posts are shown on Twitter, Facebook Groups, LinkedIn, Google Plus, and Pinterest without even having an account with them!

The Downliner have an anti-cheat system that prevents users from other traffic exchanges for using auto-surf bots to gain credits and a timer set with a recurring period valid for 5 minutes wherein views from the same surfers within that time period are not counted. These ensures that your coop views are not wasted and deductions to it are coming from unique views only from traffic exchanges.

The Downliner is attractively advertising us and The TE Coop. It displays our Gravatar photo, it shows how many points we just earned by displaying the site and it persuades the viewer to sign-up to the coop and promotes his/her ad on thousands of sites daily, just like what we are doing here.

This is incredibly compelling, to earn 30% recurring commission from our referrals, and I assure you that everyone who tries The Downliner advertising would not cancel their subscription any time soon. Actually, there's no need to advertise our referral link; we only need to rotate our own co-op link!

Most members who joined find the best way to start is by adding a banner to the system then adding their own social links. Once this is done you should add the sites you wish to promote. Once approved your site will be in rotation on the network.

You have the option always to upgrade your account and we only offer 1 paid option (except for the One-Time offer). Free members receive 10% commission and Paid members receive 30%. The cost to upgrade is $9.99 per calendar month which works out as costing much less than you would pay for a monthly membership at any leading Traffic Exchange or Safelist. The price includes 6,800 shop points equivalent to 5,400 Cooperative Views or two 30 day banner or text ads and is given each month you remain active.

Start promoting your websites now in The Downliner. I assure, you'll get a compelling TE advertising and a consistent monthly recurring income.

I give this platform a solid 5 Stars


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