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viraltextadcoop.com Review


Tags:  Advertising
5/51 vote
Last update: 2016-09-25
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Zsolt Salat
226 Followers   12 Reviews
Last Update: 2016-09-26
I'll be honest with you ... I really don't like the text ad format .... But many people do! There are hundreds of text ad websites and that is a HUGE potential! The problem? It is very time consuming to find all those sites, to create hundreds of accounts, to place your ads on each site, etc And two months ago, I have found Viral Text Ad Co Op! Now, I am blasting my text ads to 311 websites every single day! In other words, I am reaching thousands of new customers on daily basis! With one single click! For a flat rate! And I am earning money too! Don't hesitate! Is a MUST for every marketer
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