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thesoloadinsider.com Review


Tags:  Advertising
5/51 vote
Last update: 2018-08-16
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Bob Caine
748 Followers   1 Review
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My Top Recommendations

Last Update: 2018-08-16
Did you give up on solo ads?  Have you heard horror stories about solo ads?  Or, even you are using solo ads.  You know how powerful solo ads are but know they need to be approached with caution.  Solo Ads Insider will educate you on the pros and cons of solo ads, the essential mindset of a successful solo ad user, finding the perfect supplier for you, determining the correct investment and much more.

Loy Puckett is uniquely qualified to create this program.  He used to be a solo ad seller.  Now he uses solo ad sellers to promote his own products.  He tells it like it is.  He doesn't give you a list of solo ad sellers.  He tells you how to find the best sellers for you.  As you will learn, not every seller is right for everyone.  Some sellers lists will match you needs better than others.  The seller you used for Product A may not be the right seller for Program B. 

Something I would never had thought of is, "You need to build a relationship with the seller".  Another tip is that good sellers will evaluate your sales page or funnel to make sure it fits his list or may offer some changes to improve results.  Good sellers have a relationship with their lists which makes them more responsive.  I learned that you need to do research to pick the best seller and how to do it.  I am in the process of researching sellers now to find the best ones for me.

Solo Ad Insider contains series of 18 videos giving you all the information you need to become a solo ad black belt.  I wish I had known what learned from Solo Ad Insider before I purchased my last solo ads.  Believe me, I won't buy anymore without putting my new knowledge to work.  I have no doubt that I will more than re-coop the $10 price because of more names on my list and increased sales.  I don't think you can go wrong with Solo Ad Insider unless you don't use what you learn.
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