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mx.world Review


Tags:  RevShare
5/52 votes
Last update: 2016-11-10
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142 Followers   5 Reviews
Last Update: 2017-04-11
Mx World offers a FANTASTIC REVSHARE / ADVERTISING Opportunity.  I joined Mx World only a week ago based on a recommendation by my sponsor and bought 30 Mini Adpacks worth $150.  

I received 30,000 Banner Ads / Text Ads Credits & 100 Millionare Ad Credits.  I drive Traffic to my Affiliate Sites using the Credits offered by Mx World.  

End of the day, Mx World shares part of its Revenue to Adpack Subscribers and I receive around 2.5% per day per Adpack.  Within 7 days, i used the Revenue Share I received to buy further 7 Adpacks WITHOUT spending a Single Cent.  My Ads Credits got increased as well - From 30,000 Banner ads to 37,000 Banner Ads etc. Hence I am getting more Traffic to my Affiliate Sites now and I am able to buy one Adpack approximately per Day based on the Revenue share I receive on a daily basis. 

Once I am able to reach, say 100 adpacks, I will be able to make an income of around $375 per month just from the purchase of Adpacks worth only $150. Imagine what if you had 1000 Adpacks?  Do the numbers yourself !

You also receive 10% Referral commission from any referrals you make to Mx World from Level 1, 5% from Level 2 & 5% from Level 3 as well.  

You need to watch only 10 Ads per day to achieve the Traffic & Share the Revenue on a daily basis. Why are you waiting? Please Click the Link and join.  Ad packs start from as little as $5 only. 

Is this review useful? 2
63 Followers   2 Reviews
Last Update: 2016-11-10
MX.WORLD works like a swiss watch

You will get a lot of traffic to your sites. And you can promote a lot of sites.

You also will get multiple income streams and earn Referral Commissions on 3 levels. And you earn 100% Matching Bonus on the PTC clicks.

You can get large activity discounts on your own advertising and you can win extra advertising packages to promote your business.

Start now and make Money, it is easy
Is this review useful? 2