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gotsafelist.com Review


Tags:  Safelist Mailer
5/51 vote
Last update: 2016-09-25
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Eva Landry
326 Followers   18 Reviews
Last Update: 2016-09-25
Online since 2004, GOTSafelist is one of the largest safe lists online, and I have been a member for almost 9 years now. GOTSafelist has grown over the years, and now offers a traffic exchange and online ads as well as traditional safe list ads delivered to your email address. They also have 2 tournament events a week--technically one every 4 days. High scorers can win free solo ads, tons of credits, and also cash--up to 10.00 per event. As a member, your event points count for 2 contests--one for the individual, and one for your network (you and your downline). Upgradea are reasonably priced, and I typically pick up a few new random referrals a month. The platform is very easy to use, though at times the thumbnails can be difficult to figure out--you need to click the one that matches the ad to get credit, and occasionally there will be two thumbnails for the same program or the thumbnail will be a different picture than the site. Thankfully, this is a rare occurrence! With each mail or ad opened, or each site surfed, you can win cash, credits, or one of several "jackpots". Upgraded members not only win a lot more cash, they also get a much better exchange rate when they sell credits for cash. The payout is rather high at 50.00, but you can cash out as low as 5.00 by trading unneeded credits for cash. The traffic exchange is turning out to be surprisingly responsive when it comes to conversions on ads, as has the online ad part of the website. Even as a free member, you get a very good platform, that allows you to send out ads more often than many of the new viral mailers that are so popular. The few times in the past I ran solo ads--that I won during tournament events--they got an excellent response rate. And the solo ads are often on sale two for one, for those who want to try one. Overall this remains one of my highest responding safe list/mailer sites, and ne I intend to keep using as long as they are around, as an upgraded member.
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