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clickearner.net Review


Tags:  Safelist Mailer
4/51 vote
Last update: 2018-01-11
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Bob Caine
748 Followers   1 Review
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Last Update: 2023-12-17
If you participate in safelist programs, then ClickEarner is a must.

ClickEarner opens your gmail account, lets you pick how many emails to open at once, then you pick a gmail folder, and credit links for the emails are opened.  All you have to do is click on the qualifying icon if required and close the window.

What I really like about ClickEarner is the amount of time it saves me accumulating email credits.  It is very easy to setup and use. It only opens the credit links so you are not looking at dozens of useless sites.

ClinkEarner does not work with mailers that use cloaked links.  It can't distinguish credit links from others.  Also, ClickEarner has only been tested in FireFox so you are safer running it in FireFox.
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