How To Write Effective Headlines That Make People Wanting To Read On And Respond

Learning how to write effective headlines that can capture your prospects’ attention is vitally important in advertising.

Why? Because in advertising, you don’t have the luxury to presell the prospects, like in the case of email marketing.

The only place where your prospects can grab a brief idea of your offer is from your headline. If your headline doesn’t resonate with them, you lose them. It’s as simple as that!

In this article, I’m going to share with you a simple method that you can use to write effective headlines that make people wanting to read on and respond. I hope this article can shed some light and give you some inspiration for your next headline.

Ready? Here we go……

When writing a headline, one question you should be asking yourself is “what is so unique about my offer that people must read it and take action now?”

If you can pinpoint the answer to this question, all you have to do is convey this uniqueness to your prospects in your headline. That’s how you write an effective headline.

A unique idea sells better than a product

I’ve seen many advertisers trying to capture leads by giving away free gift. Giving free gift works, especially if you give away videos and software (see my previous post on What Kind Of Internet Marketing Free Gift Will Entice People To Opt-in To Your List?). But if you want to boost the response further, you need to “package your free gift into a unique idea“.

For example, tell me which headline will pull better response:

Free Video Shows You How To Make Money Online

Free Video Shows You How To Make $3646 In The First Month Online

It could be the same video but by adding an extra uniqueness to the headline, in this case is $3646 In The First Month, it gives your prospects one more reason why they should respond to your ad.

But wait, how about this headline?

Free Video Shows You Step By Step How To Make $3646 In The First Month Online

I’ve added one more uniqueness that further differentiates your offer from other offers out there.

How else can you make it more unique? How about this headline?

52 Minutes Full-Length FREE Video Shows You Step By Step How To Make $3646 In The First Month Online

What you are telling your audience is that it’s not just a normal video, it’s

1) a full-length video, not some kind of preview;
2) a step-by-step video, not some kind of introductory course;
3) capable of helping them to make $3646 in the first month.

Any one of these uniqueness may just hit the hot button of your prospects and as a result, they will read on to find out more about your offer.

Some gurus say long headline pulls better response than short headline. This is only true provided you are adding more uniqueness to your headline and not writing a bunch of nonsense!

I hope through this simple illustration, you can see how you can start off with a simple headline and slowly turn it into an effective headline that works.

Remember, the idea is to ask yourself this question, “what is so unique about my offer that people must read it and take action now?”

17 thoughts to “How To Write Effective Headlines That Make People Wanting To Read On And Respond”

  1. We need to do follow some tips and we have to take suggestion To Write Effective Headlines That Make People Wanting to Read on and Respond. Because these headlines will effective onInternet what ever information is given is interesting.

  2. Kenneth …

    Great Stuff!

    I think you’ve hit the nail on the head with one of the biggest things people struggle with. And you’re absolutely right … if you can’t capture someone’s attention in your headline, they’re gone!

    Thanks for covering this pertinent topic.

  3. Hi Kenneth

    Superb ideas! Simple yet thoroughly effective and time-tested. Many successful marketers use the exact same concepts in their marketing.

    Thanks for these valuable tips.


  4. Another great article Kenneth, coming up with a good Headline is one of my favorite things to do when it comes to promotions. I like the uniqueness aspect that really makes the idea alot easier than it sounds! :-) Thanks again for another great read!

  5. I keep changing my headlines after reading information like this, which is good, since I’m given to understand people get bored with the same headlines and start ignoring them.


  6. I am new to LeadsLeap, and I like what you have said about a call to action in our ads. I am now using this for my AdSense ads, but since my website is an interactive relationship advice site, I’m not sure if I can utilize the LeadsLeap ad credits that I have to create an ad here. All the ads here seem to be directed at companies that are devoted to helping people make money online, not helping people with their personal lives. Any suggestions?

    Thanks fellow members!

  7. Hi Kenneth

    Thank you very much for the tip. I will try and use it as much as I can. Capture the possible leads attention directly in the headline is very very important, and now I know more about how to do just that.



  8. Impressed! It’s been a long time that I got interest to read what others write to have useful information that I further discuss among my gathering and it makes our time good. We make cross questions and answer them but for all that I read articles and this site has been on top of my list for providing such information.

  9. This article is great. Brought back some memories from past failures and successes. This article has also sparked some ideas. This was very enjoyable to read. From my own experience. I believe that titles can catch a person’s attention and hold them. If grammar is good enough to get their attention. Even in video marketing, the title makes or breaks if the video gets clicked or not. I know I have missed out on some very good videos. Just because the title wasn’t appealing. Keep up the good work.

    1. I’m few months my life is going to change and first thing I’m doing is getting my domain name horrah Kenneth

    2. Hi Kenneth, thanks for the tip pretty amazing, I have a Blog Website, the headline is, how to make money online and from home, it doesn’t really give a boost at all, and now it made sense to me how a unique headline can make an audience want to read on, this would help me with my business 100%, thanks again Kenneth.

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